In March we celebrate music in our schools month highlighting the great opportunities for students to participate in music classes at LZHS. For orchestra we will have two concerts next week and a month of celebrating music in the hallways and throughout the school. I would also like to thank all of you-both students and parents- for your support of music at LZHS. Not every school has the opportunities to participate in the arts at the high level that we do at LZHS and I am grateful that we get to take this journey together. Thank you for everything you do to make music at LZHS so successful.

For an extra way to support the orchestra, please consider going to Craving Gyros on the 14th for lunch or dinner. If you mention the LZHS Orchestras, they will donate 20% of your purchase back to HOPE. Thank you so much to Craving Gyros!
Tuesday, March 14 Orchestra Concert- Concert, Philharmonic, Sinfonietta, and Symphony performing:
Please feel free to share the livestream link to friends and family
Concert and Philharmonic- Dress rehearsal starts at 5:45
Symphony- Call time is 6:30 in the choir room.
Please follow the dress code as outlined in the handbook.
Boys must show up in black pants, tux shirt, black shoes, and socks. We will distribute tux jackets and bow ties before the concert.
Remember that boys must purchase their own black pants and tux shirt.
Girls wear solid black: Girls have the freedom to choose their apparel if sleeves extend below the elbow and skirts or slacks to the ankle, and the midriff must not show while standing or sitting. This may be a long sleeve all black dress or black blouse or sweater and ankle-length skirt. Full black slacks are also appropriate and encouraged for cello players. Girls must also wear black closed-toe dress shoes (not more than 2” heels) and black stockings or hose.
- Concert-Friday, March 17 at 7PM in the district office (832 S Rand Rd)
- Call time- 5:45
- Dress-All black
- Please remember to bring a stand and look for an email sign-up for post-concert treats.
- Remember that we have a rehearsal on Monday the 13th, not Tuesday the 14th.
Solo and Ensemble:
Solo and ensemble will be on Tuesday, March 21. I will email out official times later this week. Please remember all Symphony students are required to attend their chamber performance for the evening.
LA Trip:
- We will hold our district mandated parent and student meeting on Thursday, March 9 at 6PM in the band room. It is mandatory that all students and at least one guardian attend this meeting.
- We will be having two LA trip rehearsals to prepare for our combined performance. Thursday 3/9 and 3/23 from 6:30-8:30. Please plan on attending these rehearsals if you plan are going on the trip.
Trip Shirts: If you want a trip shirt or sweatshirt you must have your order completed by Tuesday, March 7. You can place your order directly through Melon Ink.
Bear Strings:
April Dates
Tuesday, 4/11- Tour of elementary schools. Will be gone 1st period through 8th period.
Wednesday, 4/12- D95 Alt-Strings fest at MSN at 7PM
Thank you for all of your support of the orchestras in D95, especially at LZHS!
Nathan Sackschewsky
LZHS Orchestra director