I can’t believe that we are already into February. I attended the ILMEA Conference where Kaitlyn Lee performed with the Honors Orchestra. It was inspiring to see their work on some challenging music. Please see below for information about upcoming field trips, solo and ensemble, March Concert, and our 2025/26 Rome Trip.
Concert and Philharmonic Orchestra clinic at NIU on Thursday, February 20. All Concert and Phil students will be attending a clinic and performance at NIU. Please see the information handout for more information. The permission slip should be returned in canvas, or hard copy by Friday 2/14. If you are interested in chaperoning, please let me know.
Symphony and Sinfonietta clinic at UIUC on Saturday, February 22. All symphony students (including winds) and Sinfonietta students will attend UIUC to perform in the Great Hall and have clinics with world renown conductors. The bus will leave about 7:15 and we will return about 7:30PM. The performances will be at 1PM and 2:30 if you have any alumni who would like to attend the concert it is free to attend. Please see the information handout for more information The permission slip should be returned in canvas, or hard copy by Friday 2/14. If you are interested in chaperoning, please let me know.
March Concert on Tuesday, March 4 at 7PM: More information in a couple of weeks. All ensembles will be performing on the concert. Call time for Concert and Philharmonic will be 5:45.
Solo and Ensemble on March 11: Solo and Ensemble entries must be completed by Friday, February 14. Please make sure you sign up on the google form for your solo or ensemble. If you have not done so, please pay for your solo and ensembles in pushcoin. Please contact your accompanist ASAP. We are going to have rehearsal sessions on 3/4 with Ms. Lakisova. Please reach out in the next couple of days to let her know if you are going to use her. Remember that Symphony students do not need to pay for their class ensemble. The honors concert will be on Tuesday, March 18.
Sinfonietta final concert, March 14 at 7PM: This special concert will be at the district office and will feature Sinfonietta performing Dvorak’s Serenade and featuring several student solos and chamber usic.
Rome Trip information:
- Please pay your first large payment through the pushcoin link sent to you by Mr. Thompson. If you have multipole people you are paying for, please add each of those to the cart to pay.
- It is not too late to join the trip. Let me know if you would like to join the fantastic group we have going. I look forward to seeing you in Rome next winter break!
Thank you, as always, for your support of the orchestra program,