Concert Orchestra is a performance-based string ensemble course open to students who have four years of playing experience on a string instrument or who obtains the director’s approval. Students will study orchestral literature designed to challenge each individual. Emphasis will be on each student mastering the basic skills on their instrument. Fundamentals of music reading and theory will be reinforced, and students will develop greater understanding and appreciation for a wide variety of music. Members have the opportunity to participate in solo and ensemble contests, and preform with the extra-curricular ensemble, Bear Strings. The Concert Orchestra will be part of a performance tour every third year with plans to travel in a variety of music and culturally valuable venues. It is the desire that all students leave the orchestra program with a love and passion for participating in and enjoying quality music throughout their lives. This course may be repeated.
Book: Sound Innovations for String Orchestra: Sound Development (Advanced)
All scheduled concerts are mandatory- please put on your calendar at the beginning of the year.
Concert Orchestra is a performance-based string ensemble course open to all students who have string playing experience at LZHS. Concert Orchestra is a non-auditioned ensemble and is where all freshmen all placed if they do not audition into Philharmonic Orchestra. Students will study orchestral literature designed to challenge each individual. Emphasis will be on each student mastering the basic skills on their instrument. Fundamentals of music reading and theory will be reinforced, and students will develop greater understanding and appreciation for a wide variety of music. Members have the opportunity to participate in solo and ensemble contests, and preform with the extra-curricular ensembles Bear Strings and Sinfonietta. The Concert Orchestra will be part of a performance tour every third year with plans to travel in a variety of music and culturally valuable venues. It is the desire that all students leave the orchestra program with a love and passion for participating in and enjoying quality music throughout their lives. This course may be repeated.
Book: Sound Innovations for String Orchestra: Sound Development (Advanced)