October Newsletter

The beginning of the year is packed full of fantastic opportunities for music making. On 9/26 and 9/27 the Symphony Orchestra traveled to Augustana to work with Dr. Chetel and members of the Augustana College string faculty on orchestra music, and sight read music for our December concert. The orchestra spent over 5 hours rehearsing, received a tour of campus, and even had a stop at QCA ice cream institution Whitey’s Ice Cream. It was a fantastic trip. I hope you enjoy their pieces on the program on the 15th. I would also like to offer a special thank you to our chaperones for the trip, Ms. Fortune (our dept. chair) and Mr. Ferrigan.

On Tuesday, October 1st we have 12 students auditioning for the ILMEA District Orchestra at Rolling Meadows High School. Congratulations on your hard work.

Lastly, I would like to invite all of you to the first concert of the year on October 15th in the PAC starting at 7PM. Attending a concert is a great way to support the hard work that we do every day in the orchestra. I encourage you to bring your whole family and celebrate the talents of our performers here at LZHS.


Concert Information: The concert will start promptly at 7:00-

Performance order:

Concert Orchestra

Bear Strings

Symphony Orchestra

Concert Orchestra:

Call time is 5:15 for rehearsal. Please come dressed and we will take a picture for the yearbook at 6:00 Call times are the time that the rehearsal will start. Students not in their seats and ready to perform will be marked down on the summative concert attendance grade.

Symphony Orchestra:

Call time is 6:15. Please be dressed by 6:15 so that we can take the yearbook picture at 6:30


Please follow dress code as outlined in the handbook. Boys must show up in black pants, tux shirt, black shoes, and socks. We will distribute tux jackets and bow ties before the concert

Girls wear solid black: Girls have the freedom to choose their apparel as long as sleeves extend below the elbow and skirts or slacks to the ankle, and the midriff must not show while standing or sitting. This may be a long-sleeve all black dress or black blouse or sweater and ankle-length skirt. Full black slacks are also appropriate, and encouraged for cello players. Girls must also wear black closed-toe dress shoes (not more than 2” heel) and black stockings or hose.

Concert Refreshments:

The First concert snacks will be provided by Juniors and Seniors:

All Violins and Basses: will bring a treat/snack for after the concert

All Violas and Celli: Will bring individual water bottles or pre-packaged juice

Sinfonietta Auditions: Auditions for the after school orchestra here at LZHS called Sinfonietta will be the week of October 15th. The rehearsals will be every Tuesday from 3:15-4:30. Students should audition on an excerpt from a prepared piece and the ILMEA scale sheet (I will pick one major and one minor scale). Students will be performing advanced music composed for small chamber orchestras. This year the orchestra will the complete Vivaldi Magnificat with the choir on our March concert. We will also be performing at a festival. You can register for an audition slot here:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZHwpohIblDCjfvcb9Qe23r4SzupjEird5GNKAVCThKM/edit?usp=sharing (Links to an external site.)
You must have the following contract signed at the time of your audition along with reviewing the calendar:





Rehearsals will begin Tuesday, October 22

News from HOPE:

We need your help:

The mission of the Orchestra Boosters is to give LZHS orchestra students opportunities for enhancing their musical experience. We sponsor fundraisers throughout the year and work directly with Mr. Sackschewsky to collect resources for underwriting professionally coached sectionals and visits by guest clinicians. Last year over $5000 was raised and spent on orchestra students. Booster members assist the orchestra program in funding GUEST CLINICIANS, INSTRUMENT SECTIONALS, FIELD TRIPS TO CSO, JUDGES FOR CONCERTO COMPETITION, SOCIAL ACTIVITIES FOR ORCHESTRA STUDENTS and MORE.

Please become a member of HOPE. In order to get your name in the program you must register by 10/10.  You can register here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MdfAxhGEUVQvkus4XOyiUPqDINS8j-KQ/view?usp=sharing

Concert Refreshments:

The First concert snacks will be provided by Juniors and Seniors:

All Violins and Basses: will bring a treat/snack for after the concert

All Violas and Celli: Will bring individual water bottles or pre-packaged juice

HOPE Volunteer Opportunity: 

 Hello Parents

HOPE, the orchestra boosters, has the wonderful opportunity to raise funds by assisting with the bag check and concession sales at the Homecoming Dance on October, 5, 2019.  We are looking for four volunteers.  The dance is from 7:00-10:00pm.  We are looking for help from 6:45-10:15pm.  Please reach out to

Be th Bejnarowicz, bbejnarowicz@comcast.net or Christine Chialdikas, mikechialdikas@comcast.net  with any questions or to sign up to help. 

Sincerest thanks,

Christine Chialdikas, President

Thank you as always for your support of the orchestra program. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing everybody at the concert on the 15th

Nathan Sackschewsky

LZHS Orchestra Director