November 2022 Newsletter

It was great to see so many of you during conferences in the last two weeks. If you were not able to make an appointment but have a question about your student’s progress in orchestra, please reach out.

Congratulations again to our six students who were accepted into the ILMEA District 7 Orchestra. They will join two wind players for a total of LZHS students performing with the orchestra on November 12. Great work Isabel, Kaitlyn, Jane, Jeanne, Louisa, and Lynette!

November is a short moth, but we will have a number of things that lead up to our December 7th concerts, so please make sure you have the orchestra calendar added to your calendars so that you are caught up on all of the important events of the month.

Important Highlights:

CSO Trip on December 9th: The band and orchestra will be attending the CSO on December 9th leaving 3rd period and returning about 5PM. We will be back in plenty of time to make the choir concert for Sinfonietta students. We only have a limited number of tickets, so please sign up today.

Concerto Competition on Monday, November 28: The concerto competition is open to all students who are in an ensemble at LZHS. Remember that you do need to have an accompanist this year. All students need to have their concerto approved and should be registered no later than Friday, November 17. Please sign up on the LZ Orchestra website.

Other important dates:

  • Friday, 11/4: Extra Sinfonietta Rehearsal-office hours-5:15
  • Friday 11/11: Dr. Estigarribia from Augustana College to work with Symphony
  • Tuesday, 11/15: HOPE meeting online
  • Wednesday, 11/16: Dr. Chetel to work with Symphony Orchestra
  • Thursday, 11/17: Evening Symphony Orchestra rehearsal-6:30-8:30 (viola and bass treats)
  • Monday, 11/28: Concerto Competition in the orchestra room
  • Thursday, 12/1: Evening Symphony Rehearsal with winds-6:30-8:30
  • Wednesday, 12/7: Orchestra concert at 7PM
  • Friday 12/9: CSO trip
  • Friday 12/9: Sinfonietta to perform on choir concert.

Have a great long weekend and thank you as always for your support of the orchestra program at LZHS!

Nathan Sackschewsky, LZHS Orchestra Director