April Newsletter

Happy spring! I hope that everybody had a great spring break. I have enjoyed learning about what everybody did over spring break, I especially enjoyed hearing what the Choir did in the tour of Italy this year. It makes me excited for our orchestra tour in 2020-21. For those of you who are sophomores and juniors, start saving now!

Before I get into upcoming dates, I wanted to congratulate everybody once again on a great couple weeks of concerts in March.

Sinfonietta also had a great performance on March 16th at the PDC. We had several great soloists and even a siting from baby Nora.

Great work to everybody who participated in solo and ensemble on March 18th. We have five performances selected for best in room: Schubert Quartet (Olivia, William, Annette, and Alex); Dvorak Viola Quintet (Gabby, Andrew, Lydia, Kirsten, Tiffany); Nathila, violin solo; Andrew, violin solo; and Annette, viola solo. Congrats to everybody!

Bear Strings finished up the week before break with a mini tour to three elementary schools. It was so great to meet the enthusiastic string players over there, and I look forward to seeing them in a few years at the high school!

We have a very busy end of the end of the year. Please take some time to make sure these events are on your calendar, and make sure that you know what performances you are required to attend.

-Tuesday, 4/2:  Honors recital from solo and ensemble: Come watch the Schubert Quartet and Andrew perform their winning pieces from solo and ensemble. The concert starts at 7:00 in the choir room.

-Tuesday, 4/16: Bear Strings and MS district Alt. Strings Festival (7:00 on the stage in Middle School North): All current Bear String members should plan on attending. The performance starts at 7:00, dress rehearsal at 6:00.

-Friday, 5/3: D95 String Festival Concert (7:00 in the LZHS Field House): All students must attend this concert for a grade. Rehearsal 4:00-4:30, call time for dress rehearsal with all students starts at 6:15. Students who are not on time for either rehearsal will lose points for their performance grade. Pay attention to future emails for opportunities to sign up to help. Students will be able to get tri-m credit for the event.

-Tuesday, 5/21: Spring Orchestra Concert (7:00 in the PAC): Dress rehearsal for Concert Orchestra will start at 5:45, Symphony call will be 6:30. Symphony seniors should plan on being at the 12:00 rehearsal the day of the concert. We will also be honoring our seniors at the performance. Attendance is mandatory.

-Thursday, 5/23: Orchestra Awards Night @LZHS: more information to come, the event will be catered with food from California Pizza Kitchen. All orchestra and orchestra parents are encouraged to attend. At the awards night seniors will be able to pick up their picture, students will get superlative awards, and we will announce Orchestra Board election results for the 2019-2020 school year.

Thank you as always for your support of music at LZHS, and I look forward to seeing you at the great events coming up this spring!

Nathan Sackschewsky
LZHS Orchestra Director