I hope that everybody is getting into the swing of the second semester. Although January seemed like a slow month, we are ramping up with several opportunities here at LZHS. Please read through the events going on in February and March for your ensemble, and please let me know if you have any questions.

A special congratulations again to Andrew and Alex who represented the orchestra so well in the ILMEA Honors Orchestra this year at ILMEC. We are so proud of the work that you put in. Congrats and what a fantastic performance!
Solo and ensemble:
–Solo and Ensemble Sign-up: Solo and Ensemble will be on Monday, March 18th at LZHS. Students will take part in master class sessions. Family and friends are welcome to come and watch! All solos must have a piano accompaniment unless an unaccompanied piece. The fees are: $10 for solos and $15 per ensembles. Please make checks out to Lake Zurich High School and turn the money into Mrs. McLeod in the bookkeeper’s office. Students may register for S&E here:
All Symphony Orchestra students will be required to perform with their chamber ensemble on Solo and Ensemble Night. Symphony Students will not be charged for that event.
Students are eligible to receive a best in room and be asked to perform on the April 2nd honors concert here at LZHS.
Symphony Orchestra:
We will have Dr. Allan Dennis of MYAC rehearse the Symphony Orchestra on Wednesday, February 20th to prepare for our performance at the U of I Orchestra Festival on Saturday, February 23rd.
All Symphony Orchestra Students are required to attend the U of I festival on Saturday February 23rd. We will leave school around 11:00AM and return around 11:00PM. The trip offers an opportunity to perform in the Great Hall at the Krannert Performing Arts Center and work with some fantastic clinicians. You can find the permission slip here.
- We will still be having our extended rehearsal this week on Friday the 8th from 3:30-5:30. Students should plan to be there for the whole rehearsal. There will not be a preview for this rehearsal, but plan on joining us at the last one on March 1st.
- Please get permission slips in this week for the NIU string day on 2/13. If your permission slip did not make it home last week you can get it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UGBjPklSZ6z-8g6nPcexneex-RXPoYH0/view?usp=sharing
- We have an important gig coming up on Saturday, and we still need some people to sign up and play. You can get NHS or Tri-M credit for performing at this opportunity.
As always, thank you for your support of the orchestra program, and please let me know if you have any questions,
Nathan Sackschewsky
LZHS Orchestra Director