ILMEA audition information from the state:

Information from ILMEA about auditions:

Each audition will consist of the following:
● Scales: prepare all scales on the attached ILMEA scale sheet. You will be
asked to perform one major and one melodic minor scale from the sheet on
the audition. All scales should be performed at quarter note = 120.
● Sight-reading: students will be given thirty-seconds to prepare before they
begin to sight-read.
● State excerpt: This is a Beethoven year. Students must prepare the entire
excerpt; however, they may or may not be asked to perform the entire
excerpt at the audition.
● District selected supplemental excerpts have been selected from Symphony
No. 6, Movement III by Tchaikovsky. Students should prepare all excerpts,
final excerpts will be released closer to the audition via email and on the
ILMEA Website. All violins will audition on excerpts from both the first and
second violin part.

Auditions will be due. Specific audition times will be released at the end of September.
● Play the top line or top note in divisi sections.
● Perform all rests as written.
● The bowings in this packet are intended for use on the auditions and are not
an approved set of bowings for the district festival in November.
● You are encouraged to listen to multiple recordings to get a sense of
appropriate tempo range and tempi for these excerpts.